Barnsley Squash and Racketball Club Constitution

1) The club shall be called the ‘Barnsley Squash and Racketball Club’, henceforth referred to as the Club.

2) The objectives of the Club shall be to promote Squash and Racketball, provide facilities for these games and encourage related activities for its members.

3) The Club year shall be from 1st January to December 31st. The annual subscription shall be payable by 1st February of the year preceding and shall be determined by the Committee.

 4) Any member in arrears with his/her subscriptions at the last day of January shall cease to be a member of the Club until the arrears and the re-joining fee have been paid.

5) All members can access the Constitution via the online portal and shall also abide by the ‘Health & Safety’ Rules displayed within the complex. The onus is on members to make themselves aware of these rules.

6) Life Members may be nominated by the Committee for services to the Club, but have to be proposed, seconded and the motion carried at an Annual General Meeting.

7) A member may play a ‘non-member’. A Guest Fee must be added to the booking . Under 16’s may play without a Guest Fee and should be supervised. Any senior non-member is restricted to 6 guest visits per annum. Members may only introduce 6 separate guests per annum.

8) The officers of the Club shall consist of the Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

9) The management of the Club shall be vested in its three officers and a further six to eight committee members. Six members shall form a quorum, and the Chairperson, elected at the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual General Meeting shall have, in the case of an equality of votes, a second or casting vote in addition to their first vote. All members shall have equal powers of voting.

10) The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club and have full power and uncontrolled authority over the use, disposition and investment of all funds. However, the authority over funds shall not cover its use outside the objectives of the Club (see 2) but donations may be made within the Shaw Lane Foundation.

11) All members of the Committee must stand for re-election by rotation at the Annual General Meeting.

12) The Committee shall be empowered to fill any vacancy caused by the death, resignation or otherwise, of any officer or Committee member. The Committee may at their discretion co-opt another member onto the Committee. The term of office of such members elected shall run until the next Annual General Meeting.

13) Any member of the Committee absent from three consecutive Committee meetings without reason shall forfeit their seat, and the Committee shall have power to elect another in their stead. It is the responsibility of each Committee member to provide apologies or reasons for absence.

14) The Annual General Meeting shall be called to elect Committee Members for the ensuing year, to receive a report from the Chairperson and to carry out business as may be deemed necessary.

15) Candidates for Election as members of the Committee shall be full members for the three previous years and nominated and seconded from the floor at the Annual General Meeting. Only those so nominated shall be eligible for election.

16) The Honorary Secretary of the Club shall convene a ‘Special General Meeting’ at any time to order of the Committee or, on receiving a requisition to that effect, signed by not less than 30 full members of the club, or 10% of the total membership whichever is the less, specifying the objective for which such a ‘Special Meeting’ shall be called. No other business may be discussed.

17) All full members and life members shall have equal voting powers. Students and Junior members have no voting powers.

18) The accounts shall be externally audited. These can be verified by a qualified Accountant if and as required, nominated by the Committee.

19) The members, at an Annual General Meeting shall have the power to rescind or vary any Rule of the Club and to substitute others in their place thereof. Any proposed changes in the Club Constitution must be proposed and seconded in Committee and brought to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

20) Notice of any amendment or proposed alteration to rules, together with the name of the proposer and seconder of such an amendment or alteration shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least twenty one days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, at which such an amendment or alteration is to be brought forward.

21) If any circumstances, which are in the opinion of the Committee likely to endanger the welfare or good of the Club, were brought to their notice, it shall be in their power to suspend or expel any member. Any such member shall in case of expulsion forfeit all subscriptions paid or any claim upon the club or its property.

22) That any member wilfully damaging any property belonging to the Club, shall fully repair any such damage, or pay in full for all damage, as the Committee shall direct.

23) Bad language, violence, intimidation or other anti-social misconduct will not be permitted on the Club premises. The Committee has the power to suspend or expel any member. Any such member shall in case of expulsion forfeit all subscriptions paid or any claim upon the club or its property.

24) The Secretary and Committee shall be present at all meetings in connection with the Club, when available, attend to all correspondence, keep a register of names and contact details of all members, and keep a record of the transactions of Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting, with attendance of members. All such records shall be available for inspection at Committee Meetings.

25) All appointed signatories of the Club shall be fully DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked.

26) That in the event of the dissolution of the Club, the funds left after all liabilities are paid, shall at the discretion of the Committee, be given to the funds of a local Charity.

Barnsley Squash and Racketball Club 

March 2023